The Expanse Season 5
In retrospect, season 5 is not as good as I remembered. Originally I watched seasons 1-4 with no delay, so after the masterpiece that season 1-3 are, of course season 4 was a letdown. Season 5 is good, the issue is that Naomi whines to much. She is going through a lot, I get it, but she cries and screams way to much, to the point it really got on my nerves. It has been a few years since I have read the books, however, I do not remember her crying that much in the books.
The other thing, how they got rid of Alex due to his offscreen issues, it felt like filming was already done when his issues came to light and they decided to kill him off the easy way and then just refilm one scene with Naomi and Holden.
Battlestar Galactica – Season 1
I was only able to watch a couple of episodes. While I do like it, I still have the same complaints, no one seems to notice Baltar is insane, the other thing, the one Cylon, Boomer, she is all but fondling the capture Cylon ship, yet the Chief seems to think nothing of it. Add in that he could not get the ship running but Starbuck could, it seems to me that she is a Cylon also. The show is keeping my interest, but for how much longer?
The Artful Dodger – Season 1
I watched episode 7 and while the acting is good, overall, the show kind of is just a mess. I have read the other reviews, people like it but I am really on the fence, everything just seems contrived. I have one more episode to go, I guess we will find out what happens, I have my suspicions and if they play out
Britain by Narrowboat – Season 1
I am not sure why I started watching this. Basically 2 guys bought a narrowboat and are seeing the canal system. I guess they did it to help the one guys mental health. The cinematography is great, very fun to watch and the 2 guys are very entertaining. My main complaint, there is no substance to the show, they go through these towns and they really do not talk about them or much really. I do like the show, it is short and entertaining enough that I will finish the series. Think of it as a TV sorbet.
My Name is Earl – Seasons 3-4
Season 3 was all over the place, the prison episodes where very hit or miss. Earl being in the coma, all those episodes were very lacking. They just did not have the spark like other episodes have. I am about ½ through seas 4 and it has been much better.