What I am watching now – 7/21/24

Battlestar Galactica – Season 3

Still on season 3, it was all I could do to not stop watching, the occupation thing on New Caprica was a slog. I will not get into the political aspects of it, which I assume there are since what was going on when the show came out. It did improve once they got off the planet, but now it is sinking again. I will give the show writers credit for making pretty much every single character unlikeable, it is rare to see that in a show.

Scrubs Season 2

Overall, season 2 is amazing, it does go off on a few tangents that did not age well or were just not that good. Tasty Coma Wife being one. The first episode was the Colin Hay one, wow, just an amazing episode.

Fresh off the Boat Season 2

Overall, season 1 was very strong. Season 2 is starting to lose steam. I am not sure why, but the focus is changing from the oldest son to the rest of the family. I am almost through season 2 and it is slumping, it is still funny, but not nearly as clever as it was when it started.

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