How I saved the flight out of BFE

I find Apple commercials to be insipid little pieces of living hell. The commercials are a bit too smug and self-righteous for my liking. I am sure the Mac-Faithful eat them up like a pig to swill, but for me they are annoying.

Anyways, the latest iPhone commercial centers on a pilot that is grounded due to bad weather. While waiting, he uses his iPhone to check the local weather conditions and discovers that the storms are passing. He notifies the tower (not sure if he used the iPhone or used the tin cup and string that his plane is equipped with?) that the storms are passing and that his plane can take off soon.

Let me get this straight. The PILOT is looking up weather data on his iPhone instead of using the high-tech data that is readily available to aviation professionals in general? Is he piloting a flying doghouse that he sits on top of?

Where is this airport that is so clueless about weather? Does the control tower have a rope hanging out on their back porch door with a sign that says:

If the rope is moving it is windy.
If the rope is wet then it is raining.
If the rope is dry it is sunny.
If you are reading this then welcome to BFE Airport, Gateway to ignorance.

Really, anyone that uses the internet with the iPhone knows how slow it is. Radar photos, especially animated ones are big. By the time the iPhone loads the image the season would have already changed. Perhaps he connected via Wi-Fi? Maybe the plane was near a Starbucks? Nah… what are the odds anyone would ever be that close to a Starbucks since they are so rare.

This commercial is just stupid! The iPhone is slick. No question there, but PLEASE do not insult my intelligence with this crap!

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