Posts Tagged ‘Monk’

Mr. Monk buys a House

Friday, August 1st, 2008

I have missed watching Monk a lot since it did not have a regular season due to the writers strike. Sunday night we stumbled on some new (well we had not seen them) episodes "on demand" so we watched one.


I certainly hope that it was a scab writer that wrote that episode. The whole idea of Monk buying a house and then hiring "Honest Jake" and then trusting him as he tore up his house was a joke. Where was the anal Monk that we love so much?

You always know it is a not so good episode when you can guess what is going on by the second commercial.

Hopefully the other episode that was on demand will be better, but to be honest my forecast is grim.

The Anal Detective

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

The other day we were watching a Monk on DVR and I paused it to make myself a refreshing Coke product. That is when I noticed that we were watching a very “special” epsiode of Monk. He is the anal retentive detective you know…Mister Monk and the Mystery if the NC-17

Still, kind of scary, not only did this come up as NC-17, but it did not ask me for a password or anything else. Guess the ratings are not what drives that, must be some other value the DVR is using for permissions. Meh, FIOS is buggy anyway.

Silly Monk

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

Hey, I like Monk and most of the time find it to be a clever show. I
know that sometimes the endings seem a bit contrived and I am fine
with that, as long as they are not to out there.

That said, maybe they are running out of ideas or have a new set of
writers that watched a bit too much Scooby-Doo when they were kids. I
swear, all that was missing was the bad guy saying “I would have
gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for that meddling Monk and his

Anyway, this particular episode had perhaps the most idiotic thing I
have ever seen on the series. Some kids were skateboarding and the guy
fell and his board rolled into a parked car hitting the front bumper.
The car happened to have a dead guy in it, well when the captain came
and investigated the crime scene he noticed the scratch and said the
scratch was fresh, “just a few hours old”.

Now I have had idiots scratch and ding my car in the CraptasticTV
headquarters parking garage, but I have never been able to pin the
time so precisely. If the captain had said recently, yeah, I would
have been ok with it, but a few hours? HOW?

Anyway, hopefully this was just an isolated Monk and not the future.